Sunday, November 16, 2008

Primary Program

Today was our Primary Program at church. (I am home early because I had the stomach flu yesterday - I just couldn't miss the program portion). Porter and Hutch did great! Porter gave a talk and Hutch said his cute little line about being a missionary. When the program was over the Bishop came up, and he said exactly what I was thinking. "I cannot add to that."

Those sweet little children stood before us and reminded us of the lesson we forget as adults. "Be Nice." "Help your little Brother" "Follow Jesus' Example" "If the Savior stood beside me, would I do the things I do."

I am greatful for my children and the examples they are to me!!


Unknown said...

I thought all the kids did such a good job. Ethan, my 11 year old was one of ones who had a lot of lines to say and I thought he did a great job. I agree with you of what the Bishop said, there was nothing more he could add, the kids did it for him. I found out later, that after Connor, my 4 year old gave his line, which you couldn't understand, he was asleep for the rest of the program. Check my blog out if you want. I also hope you feel better.


Carter be nice!!! Who doesn't like Disney?? You will be happy to know he hated the princess's!! Your boys are so cute (I mean tough) in thier church clothes! I am glad the program went good!

Kris said...

Yay for Primary programs!! I love them, even if my child was THE kid this year...I was so hoping you wouldn't end up with the flu, but sounds like you got it anyway! Feel better soon!

Keri Hennefer said...

Your boys did a great job! They were so cute! I hope that you feel better!

TAMPA said...

My favorite part is how loud PorPor sings !!! I believe the stronger a kids testimony is the louder he sings. :>)