Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

What a fun Halloween!!! Our day began with Halloween at Hutcher's class then Porter's!! When the boys got home we all loaded up in the car (grandma nut too) and went trick or treating at the local car dealerships - Fun!!! We closed the night with our wards Halloween Carnival. Bedtime was tough because we had to say not only goodnight, but goodbye to grandma nut :-( We miss her soooo much!!!


Davis' said...

Cute costumes. you went trick or treating at car dealerships?

Keri Hennefer said...

Tami! I love the picture of all of you in Packers jerseys! Even though you are cheering for the wrong team! It sounds like you had a lot of fun with your mom here! I love when my mom visits! Now that football season is over, you'll have to come to girls night on Thursday nights!

MaryCuth said...

Cute costumes - GOT MILK?! ;)

TAMPA said...

The good old cow costume.. :>) That has been put to good use. Missed trick or treating with the boys this year.