Saturday, November 22, 2008


So for my Birthday My GREAT friends Stephanie and Michelle took me to see Twilight!!! The scenery was beautiful the characters were beautiful, what a great night!! I left the theatre wanting more .... it just couldn't be long enough. For those of you who haven't read it yet (Rachael) read the book first it is still better than the movie, but I thought they did an amazing job. My favorite actor was James down here on the left - He was AWESOME!!! I hope to see him in more movies to come!



Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day! I am one of those 2 people left in the world that has not read the Twilight books but I did love the movie!! I miss the days when it was me & you blogging and NOT OUR HUSBANDS!! I do love that they think they are so funny!! Have a good weekend!

Davis' said...

I am glad you liked it. I have heard many that didn't. I was happy with it. I can't wait for more either.

LACY said...

Can't wait to see it! What a perfect gift for your bday.

Keri Hennefer said...

So Happy Late Birthday! That was a sweet post from your husband! You really need to start coming on Thursday nights!

Dana said...

I am so glad that you loved it too because I loved it!!!!! I didn't want it to end either I wanted it to go on all night long. Happy late birthday what a super sweet post from your hubby!

Amber Williams said...

Happy Birthday a few days late! That was the sweetest message from Carter! Your family is so cute. I love it!