Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pine Wood Derby

So, in their spare time, Carter and Porter put together a pine wood derby car. Last night was the event!!! (I was unable to make it ... still home with sick Hutcher) Porter took 2nd place in the race and was awarded the most imaginative car!!! Great job, guys!!


TAMPA said...

Wait.. Carter built something?? Wow.. definite Kodak moment... awesome !!

Hadley's said...

Way to go Porter!!!


Sorry we have been away from the "blogging world" for a while! Congrats on 10 years!! Your boys are getting so big and are so buisy I don't know how you keep up!! Our house sold this past week and we are in the middle of the moving maddness... we will let you know where we end up!! Have a good rest of your week!!

Cotton Mill Cabinetry & Furniture, Inc. said...

Woo-hoo! Good for you guys. Wait, Carter built something? WOW. Did he use a saw or anything? He could have come down here and used the shop! LOL! How fun! - KS

Rick Miller said...

Good job father and son! Love you

LACY said...

Sweet, can't wait for those days.

Michelle said...

Way to go Porter! The Pinewood Derby was Paul's favorite part of being the cubmaster! How fun!