Friday, January 2, 2009

10 YEARS!!

Today is mine and Carter's 10 year Anniversary!!! Anyone that knows Carter knows that he is the most loyal, loving, Kindhearted man you could ever meet. So as to not get too mushy I will just say that I am so greatful that he chose me as his wife, I am greatful for the last 10 years, and am thrilled to be spending forever with him. I love you, Carter!


Kris said...

Yay! Congrats - what a lucky boy Carter is, you rock!

Jessica said...

2 dragons: 1. Is it really possible to have that many rolls on your face at one time? Is it one roll for every year you've been married?? 2. At least you have a sweat rag and a stain on your sweater vest after all these years!

Michelle said...

Congratulations! We celebrated our ten years last February! Time sure does fly, especially when you're having fun! I still need to visit you when I come see my mom, which we still haven't. Everytime we plan to come up something happens or you guys get dumped with snow!

MaryCuth said...

Happy Anniversary! Was the maid at your house? HA! HA! BTW Carter is HILARIOUS!!! We haven't stopped laughing at all of his comments - I thought Kevin was going to bust a vein laughing at Carter's comments on Jake eating wings! Good times!

TAMPA said...

Happy Happy Guys !! Hope you got the alone time you needed when I had the boys.. Gross :>)

Davis' said...

Happy Anniversary.

jenandjustin said...

Happy Ten Years!! You deserve the absolute best!

LACY said...

Yeah! Happy Anniversary. You guys are a great couple!!

Hadley's said...

That is so cool!! Congratulations!! You look very pretty in that picture!!

Sparks in the Desert said...

Happy 10 YeARs!