Normally I wouldn't post that the boys went to the dentist, but this was a unique experience for us. We walk in to the dental office and it is POSH!!! Beautiful woodwork, grand entry, and flat screens EVERYWHERE!! And When I say everywhere I don't just mean the waiting room, above every chair is a flat screen on the ceiling so you can pop on some head phones grab the remote and watch the tube while someone cleans your teeth - AMAZING!
6 years ago
WOW! Could you talk Dr. Denos into that?! That is sweet! Maybe Kevin would go to the dentist then!
Are you ready for us all to come and visit? We're not ready for the cold but I can't wait to see you!
Wow! That's amazing! I love what dentist are doing to keep our minds off of the work they have to perform on our mouths! I bet going to the dentist is something your boys will now look forward to!
I hate the dentist... They could give me money, food, a man, a television on the ceiling... and I would still hate going.. :>) Damn dentists !!
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