Friday, September 5, 2008

It's a WIN!!

Alright so Hutch, Cooper, and I weren't able to go to the game tonight but Canyon View won 30-20!!! Yippeee!!! We were so excited and couldn't sleep so...... we decided to toilet paper both daddy's and the Head Coaches truck!!! So fun!!! It seriously takes years off your life ... rejuvinating!!! I felt like I was a teenager again!!! (If it were Jake's truck I'm sure he would've known my prints!! :-)


MaryCuth said...

Congratulations! Love Hutchers cowboy boots with the jammies! I think Jake is still using the toilet paper you guys used on his old house - can't waste that good stuff!!

MaryCuth said...

No way - that was Cooper in the cowboy boots! I can't believe how much they have grown and how much he looks like Hutch with all of the blonde curls gone!!! How cute!

Davis' said...

So cute. I love the idea of toilet papering the trucks. Great job!


Hello Millers!! We miss you guys! Go Canyon View... we need to come watch a game! Lets keep in touch better!

LACY said...

Hmm reminds me of the good ole days when you toilet papered our house. LOVE coops boots!!!

Sparks in the Desert said...

Nice TP job! How exciting is that!

Hadley's said...

That is SOOO cool on the win!! You are the BEST Mom!!!