Tag from Jessica and Mary!
50 ODD Things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!
1) Do you like blue cheese? No!
2) Have you ever smoked crack? No! Does anyone ever answer yes???
3) Do you own a gun? NO
4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Don't go to Sonic.
5) Do you get nervous before doctors appointments? No
6) What do you think of hot dogs? Gross! I won't touch them, but for some reason I'm ok giving them to my kids!!
7) Favorite Christmas song? I'll be home for Christmas
8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Crystal Lite
9) Can you do push ups? Yes
11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My Wedding Ring
12) Favorite hobby? walking
13) Ever been in a car wreck? NO
14) Do you like thunderstorms? Love them, you have know idea!
15) What's one trait that you hate about yourself? My Face :-)
16) Middle name? Mae
17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1- I hope Danelles' surgery is going well 2-I hope my boys are all having fun at school 3- When are we going to get some Peace and quiet?!
18) Name 3 things you bought today? Nothing
19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Diet Soda, Water, Crystal Lite
20) Current worry? Money, should I go back to work sooner?
21) Current hate right now? Potty training a dog!
22) How did you bring in the New Year? Maybe sleeping, not sure
23) Where would you like to go back to? Wis.
24) Name three people who will complete this? Lacy, Kris (you've already been tagged, and Tammy - paybacks!
26) Do you own slippers? yes
27) What shirt are you wearing? In and Out Burger T
28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? NO too slippery!
29) Can you whistle? Yes
30) Favorite color? Blue
31) Would you be a pirate? NO
32) What songs do you sing in the shower? No Singing - bad voice
33) Favorite girl's name? Brinnley or Gracie
34) Favorite boy's name? Porter, Hutch, or Cooper
35) Whats in your pocket? No pockets
36) Last thing that made you laugh? Carter!
37) Best bed sheets as a child? Shirt Tales
38) Worst injury you've ever had? Accidentally stabbed by my brother in the arm ... oops!
40) Favorite flavor potato chips? Dill Pickle
41) Who is your loudest friend? Tammy
42) How many dogs do you have? 2 Scooby and Adrian
43) Does someone have a crush on you? Carter
45) What is your favorite book? Currently the whole Twilight series
46) What is your favorite candy? Chocolate anything
47) Favorite Sports Team? Packers
48) What song do you want played at your funeral? I can Only Imagine
49) What were you doing at midnight last night? In bed, asleep.
50) First thing you thought about when you woke up? Call the Temple for Danelle
6 years ago
I think you have a beautiful face!!
Sorry - I don't like tags either! But I did learn some new things about you, like stay away from you when you have a pencil! And I think you have a beautiful face too! I hope all is well with Danelle. :)
Sorry I don't know why I'm Blogging impaired!?!?! My eye was watering (Korbin's balloon popped in my eye when I was blowing it up!)when I read it the first time -it was your brother not YOU! I guess I need to stay away from your brother with sharp objects! Could you see if Carter could write me up a blogging IEP?! :)
k.... what the hell. i am so not loud... just boisterous.. :>)
Thanks for doing the tag, but I'm going to have to confess that I meant to tag Tammy because I remembered that you hate tags! I also meant that she is my loudest friend! If you or Tammy could change your name perhaps I could keep the spellings straight!!:) But I was glad to read some new things about you! I really don't have any idea how much you like thunderstorms!! And don't go back to work yet! Live it up while you can. There's always time to go back to work! Tell Carter good luck tonight!
Yeah, I never finish those "tags" lol! I try, thats about it! I'll see you guys tonight at the game! YAY! YAY! YEAH! OH AND I AGREE Emmett is hott
Sorry to hear about your game too! It makes for a long weekend! BTW I started reading the Twilight Series and I now know what you were talking about! I love the books! I'm almost finished with New Moon - 2 books down in 3 days! It's a bit addicting! ;)
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